Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lifetime is of the Devil

It is Sunday morning and I am trying to get ready for church. As a child of the 80's and a product of South Philly, I can't do anything without a tv on. I turn on my 21 inch tube and what is on but the Lifetime TV network.

A mildly interesting melodrama about a woman going through a divorce featuring Chicago Hope's Christine Lahti. Well, five minutes turn into 20 minutes then 20 to 60. To make matters worse Colin Cowey, the only sexually ambiguous man that I really want to sleep with besides Prince, is on the show. (Might I also add that he does a great job too.) I can't help myself. I am watching tv and I can't stop. During a commercial break I put my four year old son down for a nap so that I can continue watching this show in peace.

It is now 1:00pm. Service is over and I am happily engaged in a wondeful movie about an experience I hope I never have. Let's hope there is cable in hell.

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